Syllabus 3 rd year

Knowledge of important Commonly used Ayurvedic and Allopathic drugs used in
Prasutitantra and Streeroga. Pharmacotherapuetics of allopathic drugs in obstetrics and
Record keeping,ethical and medicolegal issues in Streeroga and prasutitantra
DESIRABLE (non detail)
Laproscopy,hysteroscopy,hysterosalphingography,USG,X-RAY,Colposcopy, Cervical Biopsy.
Granthi evum Granthi nirharan samanyajnan(Myomectomy, hysterectomy)
UG-Syllabus 3rd year
To perform independently
1. History taking and examination of antenatal and gynaecological cases
2. Diagnosis of Pregnancy, assessing of gestational period, to diagnose onset of labour
3. To monitor labour progress, able to plot Partogram
4. Observation of 10 labour
5. To diagnose abnormalities of labour and decide about the referral of the patient
6. Able to provide first aid for obstetric emergencies
7. Recognition of post partum complications
8. Councelling and promoting of breast feeding
9. Record 5 antenatal cases, 5 intrapatum, 5 post partum cases
To observe/assist-D&C, D&E, Caesarean section, Repair operations, Resuscitation of new
GYNAECOLOGICAL SKILLS -To perform independently
1.History taking and examination of gynaecological cases
2.Recording 10 gynaecological cases, 5 gynaecological procedures
3.Taking vaginal smear, high vaginal swab
4.Practical knowledge of sthanika chikitsa
5.Observation and practical knowledge of minor gynaecological procedures
6.Observation of Surgical procedures
7.Identification, uses., Demonstration of surgical instruments
8. Observation of Method of sterilization, MTP, Surgical procedures Hystrectomy,
1.Case taking-2cases –one Gynec,one obstetric- 30marks
2.Instruments ,Drugs, &Models- 20 marks
3.General Viva- 40 marks
4.Record -2-(one Prasuti, one streerog)- 10 marks
 Total 100 marks

cervical polyp 


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